Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Gospel of John 6:28-29 When God Says...I Say, AMEN!

When God Says …

“Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” (John 6:28-29 KJV)

These people finally asked the most impactful questions. What does God require of us to do? What work that leads to eternal life we must do? What matters most in this realm of living? The answer my friend is: Believe that God sent Jesus to be our Savior! No observance of the law (Romans 3:20; Galatians 2:21). No works of self-effort. No trying hard to do your best, by rituals of religion! Those are filthy rags in the eyes of God (Isaiah 64:6). We must believe in Him, the Lord Jesus Christ (1 John 5:13). And, empowered by His Word, we labor to enter His rest by grace through faith in Him (Hebrews 4:11-12).

To you and I who are wise to ask, and to them who asked the Lord, we must be firmly settled in faith that: “Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”” (John 6:29 NLT)

And I say, AMEN!

Daily reflections by:
F. A. Frias
PFC Ministries

(When God says... I say, AMEN! is a provocative reflection of the Lord's holy Word. It intends to challenge every seeker of truth to dig deep into the core of the Word of Life to point every being to Christ Jesus - the author and finisher of our faith, and to draw revelations for change, for nourishment and for strength of every soul.)

Partners For Christ Ministries, INC
P. O. Box 773716
Ocala, FL 34477

Touching lives in Cambodia, The Philippines, The Middle East, The USA, and... other countries.

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