Friday, May 5, 2023

Proverbs 20:13 When God Says...I Say, AMEN!

When God says...

“Do not love sleep, lest you come to poverty; Open your eyes, and you will be satisfied with bread.” (Proverbs 20:13 NKJV)

This passage simply commands: get up and do something! Diligence rewards. Slothfulness penalizes. Slumber leads to physical and spiritual destitution - spiritual hunger and thirst. We are stirred to wake up and know that today is the day of salvation from starvation of the soul - the lack of spiritual bread of life. The Lord Jesus invites those who hunger to come to Him (John 6:35 ESV).

Sleepiness is mostly caused by over exhaustion over the trivial things in life. Even matters detrimental to life. Especially, those hidden activities in the dark, they drain you dry. Hence, Apostle Paul reminds every child of God by faith in Jesus: “But make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed. We can’t afford to waste a minute, must not squander these precious daylight hours in frivolity and indulgence, in sleeping around and dissipation, in bickering and grabbing everything in sight. Get out of bed and get dressed! Don’t loiter and linger, waiting until the very last minute. Dress yourselves in Christ, and be up and about!” (Romans 13:11-14 MSG)

And I say, AMEN!

Daily reflections by:
F. A. Frias
PFC Ministries

(When God says... I say, AMEN! is a provocative reflection of the Lord's holy Word. It intends to challenge every seeker of truth to dig deep into the core of the Word of Life to point every being to Christ Jesus - the author and finisher of our faith, and to draw revelations for change, for nourishment and for strength of every soul.)

Partners For Christ Ministries, INC
P. O. Box 773716
Ocala, FL 34477

Touching lives in Cambodia, The Philippines, The Middle East, The USA, and... other countries.

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