Monday, May 8, 2023

Proverbs 20:16 When God Says...I Say, AMEN!

When God says...

“Take the garment of one who is surety for a stranger, And hold it as a pledge when it is for a seductress.” (Proverbs 20:16 NKJV)

He cautions us the risks of losing our resources even being stripped off with everything we have down to our garments by being a surety to another, especially a stranger who has no intention to honor it. Yes, it could be taken as pledge for a temptress who has the same ulterior motives.

People going around conducting business with nothing but sweet talk are clear signs of hidden schemes. So does a charmer. Anyone who walks not in the light of God would be an easy prey to step in their traps, reminiscent of Judah's fall over Tamar's seduction (Genesis 38).

Yes, not all strangers are bad. They can be messengers of good tidings sent by God. And you discern them by their spirit. But, no man of good intention comes conducting business unprepared to discharge his part. Honorable men come able and ready to stand for his account. On the other hand, scammers come prepared with hidden cards under their sleeves to manipulate someone to stand as pledge for his account then disappear. We ought to be watchful about their modus operandi so as not to be duped as surety for their wicked plot. Foremost, we shouldn’t be like them, of whom the Psalmist warned about with these words: "The wicked borrow and never repay, but the godly are generous givers. Those the lord blesses will possess the land, but those he curses will die.” (Psalms 37:21, 22 NLT)

As children of God, who are saved by the shed blood of Christ Jesus through faith in Him, we should not make vows to another to trick them. Every vow we make is a vow unto God. It must be honored, as it is written: "When you vow a vow to God, do not delay paying it, for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you vow. It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay.” (Ecclesiastes 5:4, 5 ESV)

And I say, AMEN!

Daily reflections by:
F. A. Frias
PFC Ministries

(When God says... I say, AMEN! is a provocative reflection of the Lord's holy Word. It intends to challenge every seeker of truth to dig deep into the core of the Word of Life to point every being to Christ Jesus - the author and finisher of our faith, and to draw revelations for change, for nourishment and for strength of every soul.)

Partners For Christ Ministries, INC
P. O. Box 773716
Ocala, FL 34477

Touching lives in Cambodia, The Philippines, The Middle East, The USA, and... other countries.

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