Tuesday, September 2, 2008

God's Purpose for Us

Greetings to you all my Brethren in our Father's abundant supernatural favors and blessings.

It is great to know you are all doing well in the works of God through us all in His vineyard for His glory.

I praise our Lord for knowing that the seed from the Word of God that has been sowed in our hearts as we allowed ourselves to be marinated in His Holy Words at our regular fellowship in PFC Centers at Farms and others, blossomed, grew, continued to grow to date and promising to grow more in our journey on.

We indeed all have learned a lot from each other, as God used and continue to use each one of us as instrument for each other's spiritual growth.

At every juncture, turning points in our journey, it would be good to always remind ourselves of our Father's design and purpose for us. He created us for Himself - to Worship - to Grow - to Serve. Let us look into these reasons of our being created and see how we can have these come to pass in our daily living.

* Worship to our Almighty Father is what we do because our Heavenly Father tells us to do. Obedience. We do it because we love God, not because we gain something of it for ourselves. We do it solely for God. We sing for God. We study His words for God, because He said so in His words (Joshua 1:8). We do good to our brothers and others for God.

* Growth is a process. We are all in the process of growth. None is ahead & none is behind in the eyes of God. It involves continuing change. It is a development. Change can be negative or positive – depending on the environment we allow ourselves to be planted (Psalm 92:12-13) and the food we fed our spirit. Growing is imminent. It is a continuous process. It brings joy or pain. But growth is a must for us all. In that regard, it is essential to be aware of the following truths of growing pains:

We need to grow because God designed us to. We have the potential to grow. Yet, at one time in our life we became less than we ought to be, as per God’s design. Specially, if we attempt to go beyond God’s design for our lives – like Adam who attempted to be like God, where in as a result he became less than he was. We too we tend to reach up beyond God’s purpose for us. We want to be better than others when God’s Words say that we should consider others better than us. We tend to be served – when the Word reminded us that to be the greatest we should serve the rest. For these reasons, we should grow to continue regaining back the ground we lose and to bring ourselves back to where God designed us to be. This we can do together through and by the Word of God and Walking with God (That is applying God’s Words in our daily lives).

Our growth is affected by what we eat. We have to be fed by truth. The word is truth. (John 17:17). It is essential to be always dependent on the wisdom from God in our feeding process. Let’s be aware of His warning through 1 Peter 2:1-3 – beware of those who come as teachers. They are false teachers. The truth is we are all disciples and students. The Holy Spirit teaches us. Of course we can learn from each other as students – sharing with each other the good revelations we get hold of. Speaking truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Walk in truth – this is daily living (3 John 1:4). The feeding process starts with milk – then we grow to meat through daily in-take of the Word.

Growth requires getting rid of some things or habits we possess that are not anymore useful to our present stage of life. Not that they are bad. Example: When we were yet babies – when our parents travel with us they bring with them long list of supplies that we need – diapers, milk, bottles, powders, aspirin for mom/dad, etc.. But now that we’re grown, it would not look right if we still carry all these supplies with us when we travel. That’s how we should be in our growing process both physically and spiritually. How we talk and how we behave. (1 Corinthians 13:11).

We grow by pressure, pain, problems and trials. We either learn in the classroom or in crisis. It would be wise and better to learn in the classroom – eg. Keep meditating the Word of God with the honest intention to learn, instead of intending to just lift up the Word and passing it on to others (and calling ourselves teachers). The right way to do is let the Word in our hearts and be seen in action to manifest God’s design for us to grow. That being said – we must not fail to learn from crisis (Romans 5:3-4 AMP). In pain – let faith work. Bitter or better – call on faith that we may be made perfect and complete, lacking nothing (James 1:2-4).

We grow by exposure. Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). In our service for each other - scratching each other’s elbows – is useful for us to smooth out the sharp edges of our being (Proverbs 18:1). We must eagerly seek wisdom (James 1:5-6).

We must grow in grace and knowledge (2 Peter 3:17-18 NKJV) – lest we grow weary and weird-that is doing extreme things beyond what God’s original pattern for our purpose. Blessed is he whose delight is in the law of the Lord, he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water … whatever he does shall prosper. (Psalm 1:1-3). Growth and prosperity is ours as we soak always in the Word. It strengthens our trust in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:7-8).

We are to serve. Not to lead – lest we become the blind leading the blind. We are members in one body of many parts. Christ is the head. We are the many parts – with equal importance in the overall body functions. We are subject to one another. A brother’s keeper perhaps – for our brother’s benefit. Not in the context of being over our brother/sister to subjugate him/her, but to serve him/her, fulfilling God’s design for us to service. (Romans 12:4-6)

Our service should be in humility. 3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. (Mathew 18:3-5 NIV)

12For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.(Mathew 23:12 NIV)

But not so among you; on the contrary, he who is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he who governs as he who serves.(Luke 22:26)

Brethren, let us not lose sight of God’s purpose in our lives. He designed and created us to Worship, to Grow and to Service. Let us position ourselves for our Heavenly Father to be able to use us and work through us and be His instrument for the world to see for His Glory in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In Christ’s loving grace,

Kuya Fel (Titing)
W/ Ates Mae, Hannah & Sarah