Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Gospel of John 10:19-21 When God Says...I Say, AMEN!

When God Says …

“There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings. And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him? Others said, These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?” (John 10:19-21 KJV).

In these passages, new truths begin to shed light through the darkened hearts of those religious Jews. Akin to the blind man whose eyes were opened to see the light, amidst the clouded lens of their religion, the light of the truth of the Lord's Words and the manifest signs from heaven cracked the stony hearts of some of those Pharisees, Priests and Sadducees that pursue to question the Lord's every word and action. Hence, there are those who already are unsure of what they're doing and show signs they are on the brink of believing.

We see, “This kind of talk caused another split in the Jewish ranks. A lot of them were saying, “He’s crazy, a maniac—out of his head completely. Why bother listening to him?” But others weren’t so sure: “These aren’t the words of a crazy man. Can a ‘maniac’ open blind eyes?”” (John 10:19-21 MSG).

For us today, this gives hope in the power of God's holy and written Words. We must not get tired on sharing it to those we love and who are lost in the crowded world full of deceptive trappings that the enemy of our soul dishes out in the form of material things and quasi-spiritual options of religion that lead to where the world is heading. We must, therefore, remain steadfast in holding a tight grip on God's holy and written Words. It is a two-edged sword that slices through to the soul and spirit, bones and marrow (Hebrews 4:12), as in these passages did to some of the hardened Jews.

There is always hope. Hope we must look to in Christ Jesus. Personally, my hope is in the Lord (Psalm 39:7). We all, together with our loved ones looking to our Good Shepherd and Lord Jesus Christ, must enter through Him. But, sadly, many are entering in droves the wide gates of religion. The litmus test is, only a few enter it. He is the narrow gate (John 10:7) and we are earnestly invited to: ““Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14 ESV).

And I say, AMEN!

Daily reflections by:
F. A. Frias
PFC Ministries

When God says... I say, AMEN! is a provocative reflection of the Lord's holy Word. It intends to challenge every seeker of truth to dig deep into the core of the Word of Life to point every being to Christ Jesus - the author and finisher of our faith, and to draw revelations for change, for nourishment and for strength of every soul.

Partners For Christ Ministries, INC
P. O. Box 773716
Ocala, FL 34477

Touching lives in Cambodia, The Philippines, The Middle East, The USA, and... other countries.

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