Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Gospel of John 10:37-38 When God Says...I Say, AMEN!

When God Says …

“If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.” (John 10:37-38 KJV).

The key to seeing the truth is believing in the person of truth who is Christ Jesus (John 8:31-32). In these passages the Lord Jesus Christ reminded again these religion-polluted Jewish leaderships of the need to believe. And, these should serve as nudge to many today who are held captive by myriad of religious and quasi- spiritual beliefs contagion. As the Lord pointed out, "Look at my work, and you will know whether I am telling the truth or not." The issue is not the Lord's identity, but these people who are possessed in their wrong beliefs. Believing starts with the honest desire to seek and honor God. With a heart not truly seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33), many are consumed by traps of the enemy using the net of religion.

The truth about the Lord Jesus and knowing who He is, resonate in the hearts of those who truly seek to find God and to know Him. The Lord's actions and His Words call us to believe Him. If we don't fully believe Him, we are rejecting Him and effectively belittling Him. There is no middle ground. We must look at the signs manifest in His presence. The sick are healed. With the things He taught, the way He lived His life, and the great works He did, we then decide: Is this the work of a mad man, or is He the Messiah from God? Is He the Son of God in human flesh? His life, ministry, sacrifice, death, resurrection, and His manifestation to many disciples after His resurrection assure us that He is indeed the Son of God.

We can vow with trust, assurance and comfort, as Apostle Peter declared when the Lord Jesus asked the twelve if they too shall turn away. It is written: “Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”” (John 6:68-69 ESV).

And I say, AMEN!

Daily reflections by:
F. A. Frias
PFC Ministries

When God says... I say, AMEN! is a provocative reflection of the Lord's holy Word. It intends to challenge every seeker of truth to dig deep into the core of the Word of Life to point every being to Christ Jesus - the author and finisher of our faith, and to draw revelations for change, for nourishment and for strength of every soul.

Partners For Christ Ministries, INC
P. O. Box 773716
Ocala, FL 34477

Touching lives in Cambodia, The Philippines, The Middle East, The USA, and... other countries.

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